Sapphire/ Emerald Pentacle Pendant

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Sapphire is exceptional for calming and focusing the mind, allowing the release of mental tension and unwanted thoughts. It encourages opening the mind to beauty and intuition, bringing lightness and joy as it restores balance within the body. Blue Sapphire is a stone of love, commitment and fidelity, and has become popular in betrothal rings. Matching Sapphire tumblestones make a good gift for couples moving in together or marrying. [Eason, 247] In the event of a separation or divorce, it is advisable to remove any Sapphire jewelry gifted by the other person. Sapphires are stones of attachment and could prolong the connection or cause bitter feelings. As a professional support stone, Sapphire provides awareness of higher principles in archeologists and historians, stimulates the mind and wisdom in executives, ministers and writers, and increases discernment and good judgment in journalists and lawyers

Zodiac: Virgo

Chakra: Throat, Third Eye


Emerald is a crystal of the heart, alleviating heaviness in the emotional field and nourishing the aura with an energy of hope, encouragement, gentleness and abundance. It heals heartbreak and gives the strength needed to overcome the misfortunes of life, clearing away negative patterns of victimization and loss of personal power by strengthening the physical and emotional heart centres. It is a stone of regeneration and recovery, bringing in freshness and vitality, love and compassion, for the self as well as for others.

Sun Sign Connection: Taurus; Gemini; Cancer

Chakra Healing: Heart