Green Kyanite Raw Extra Large
Green Kyanite is a lovely heart chakra stone that will bring you into harmony with nature and the world in which you live. It brings balance and stability to your life. It allows you to flow with the forces of life as you are doing spiritual work that may be impacting you strongly. They have a good energy at both the heart chakra and within the higher heart. Within the higher heart they help to stimulate feelings of forgiveness and compassion. Green Kyanite has the ability to aid you in making contact with the elemental beings who live close to your home, and to remain stable within the hearts energy.
Sun Sign Connection: Aries, Taurus, Leo, Pisces
Chakra Healing: Heart
Every order comes with one extra large, raw Green Kyanite piece.
As it is a product of nature, shape, size, and weight will vary.